To visualise correlations
Visual Controlling

Because your business development is dependent on long term tendencies the presentation of figures as a simple column does not lead to distinctness. The "Data-Viewer", our IT-application, compiles all important information of your operational system and edits it visually. After that you just need a short look to identify risks, chances, development and trends.


The "Data-Viewer" implements itself into your existing software system as an OLAP-instrument The whole application can be compared with an iceberg: the "Data-Viewer" forms the tip of the iceberg, whereas those features which analyse and process data represent the major part.
The data of your business establish a basis and are going to be transferred into the Data Warehouse. A system of performance parameters functions as a grid for the interpretation of all data collected in the “Data Warehouse”. Results of this data processing will be visualised as diagrams and surveys in the "Data-Viewer". Because you are able to present your results very quick and handling is done by intuition you will experience the "Data-Viewer" as an extremely useful analysing tool.

more than just an application

Our system establishes an inventory of your data. As substantial spin-off you can detect data errors and inconsistencies real quickly. This leads to a major improvement of your data quality.
We offer consulting services that reach beyond standard information technology: successful evaluations require well structured data along with a perfectly organised system architecture. This is the premise to deliver significant performance parameters.
You obtain a better understanding of your actual target – and how to achieve your goals at the best.

your advantages:

visual controlling