Hazard -
Analysis -
Critical -
Control -
A systematic method for Analysing Hazards to the safety of the products we produce and introducing Controls at Critical Points in the process to prevent the Hazards from occurring, or reduce the Hazards to below critical limits.

The HACCP concept functions as a operational, preventive self control system which ensures quality and protects the consumer from health risks. It is widely acknowledged especially in the food and feed industry, because there a reliable final control is often not possible.

The HACCP concept is used as a controlling tool in order to identify critical points of a process and to determine necessary preventive and corrective actions. Base elements are natural resources / feedstock and the conditions of the production process. The latter have to be operated regarding the known risks. Concerning the raw materials it is important to document origin, extraction, refinement, storage and transport in form of a contract. In the production processes the main focus has to be put on manufacturing, processing, treatment and the retail system.

Integrating modern methods of risk analysis and preventive concepts of HACCP into the existing management system leads to a better efficiency regarding health protection and compliance with trade specific demands and requirements.

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